Year End Tax Filing Requirements

International Tax

Year-End Tax Filing Requirements

Your tax filing requirements will depend on your tax status – resident alien vs. nonresident alien. If you have had a tax analysis performed in the UA Tax Office, your tax status was determined as part of the analysis. Most international students and scholars are nonresident aliens for the first 5 years in the U.S. if on F-1 visa (or 2 years if on J-1 visa).

More details are available on the Internal Revenue Service website

The remaining information herein is focused on the requirements for nonresident aliens. The information contained on this website is meant to aid University of Alabama international students and scholars with understanding the tax filing process. It is ultimately each individual’s responsibility to comply with the tax laws.

Beyond the general information provided here and on our website, the University and its employees cannot provide individual tax advice or prepare your tax return for you. Filing your individual income tax return is your personal responsibility. If you have questions or need assistance beyond the general information provided herein, we encourage you to contact a certified tax preparer or accountant who is experienced with nonresident taxation.